Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Little Bro Waking Up

My little bro is now in Indiana serving a mission. When he was still at home he was infamous for needing incredibly loud alarm clocks. I think it was partly because he would black out his window in his bedroom so at noon it would be dark enough to feel like midnight. Anyway...he sent an email about his morning today that cracked me up.
[I'll] take you all through one of my days ... here goes
6:25 my first alarm went of
6:28 or so i finally turn it off then go straight back to bed -- i fall back asleep
6:30 3 symaltamous alarms all go off each placed in a specific spot so i have to get up and walk around. then finally i make my way to the kitchen and i do some dishes yahda yada yada...

That cracks me up. 3 simultaneous alarms in 3 different spots to force him out of bed and walking around. I love it. It's pretty dang clever. A noble effort to ensure he's doing what he's supposed to.
that's awesome! i saw an alarm clock online a few months back that has wheels on it so it would roll off the night stand and you would have to chase it to turn it off!

So question...Here is what my old computer disks say on them...there is the operating system cd that is a reinstallation cd with xp service pack 2 on it and then a bunch of dell cds that are for reinstalling the wireless drivers and printers and such. should i just run them and they will reset my computer? i just don't want to mess up the computer. thanks!
I had two alarms on my mission but I didn't think to put them around the house... that's genius.
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